Dark Fire Press, ComiXology, and the Mummy Collection
Thanks to the establishment of Dark Fire Press (darkfirepress.com), Gentleman Cthulhu comics are now available on ComiXology.com. As of today, they’ve also added the long-awaited And They Call it Mummy Love collection to the site! You can find all three current collections listed here: comixology.com/Gentleman-Cthulhu-Emeritus-Moribus-Monstrum/comics-series/128431. Also, an IndyPlanet print version of the Mummy collection should be available soon.
While I know the present web-comic is very far behind, creating Dark Fire Press is allowing me to expand my reach with certain projects such as Gentleman Cthulhu. I’m planning to start posting new and back comics again soon, as I have all the intention in the world of continuing the web-comic for the foreseeable future. I just needed a break from both this and Chadhiyana (my other comic) to explore some new projects. Read more… ›