It’s Been a While…
Since starting my blog back at the end of 2012 (on following the publication of the first Chadhiyana comic), I don’t think I’ve ever let so much time pass between posts. The reasons for that are many, but rather than dwell on the past, I’d like to get everyone up to speed on the new, the old, and the behind-but-catching-up (and to do so in as few words as possible).
First and most importantly, I had promised a major Chadhiyana update in March. Technical difficulties and other setbacks forced me to delay the update. Though with two conventions coming up in the next two weeks (see below), I’m postponing the update until the end of this month. That said, as I’ve stated before, Patreon supporters ($1 and up per month) get more in-depth information and behind-the-scenes access (including a wealth of sketches) than those who read my blog. Also, those supporters will start getting that information later today. So, if you’re really a Chadhiyana fan and can’t wait, or simply want more, you can always sign up for a month or two at the $1 a month level to get access to that information (
Second, and this ties into the above, so much of my creative time has been spent on Chadhiyana that yes, Gentleman Cthulhu has noticeably fallen behind (even from where it was before). I’m going to do my best to catch it up in the coming weeks and perhaps even months, as this was supposed to be a major year for the old boy, being his third year, and the very least amount of time I wanted to work on the webcomic (being enough to collect into a small trade). So for my Gentleman Cthulhu fans, stay tuned. The tentacled gentleman isn’t done pontificating yet.
On the subject of Gentleman Cthulhu, there has been a slight delay in the “And They Call it Mummy Love” collection. I’ve been spending time researching ISBNs and ISSNs for my self-published work, and laying the ground work for some smoother releases of such work going forward. To that end, and though it hasn’t before been announced, I’ve developed Dark Fire Press ( as my publishing label for any self-published work (including Gentleman Cthulhu).
That said, me creating Dark Fire Press is not in lieu of traditional publication. Rather it’s in addition to my other published work. I’ve published both ways for a while now; I’m just trying to make the self-published work look a tad more professional. And in fact, both the second Gentleman Cthulhu collection and my Inktober 2017 sketchbook were published under Dark Fire Press. I’m also presently developing a Lovecraftian short comic story for self-publication, hopefully out in the summer, as well as the third Gentleman Cthulhu collection.
I also have two conventions coming up in the next two weeks. This weekend (on May 12th) I’m returning to the White Plains Comic Con (now White Plains Comic Fest), and then next weekend (May 19th and 20th) I’ll have an artist alley table at my first Pennsylvania show: the 3 Rivers Comic Con in Pittsburgh. Other shows have been booked for the year (including the Rhode Island Comic Con in Novemeber–another first!); I only have New York Comic Con to complete the details for and then there it is. As I mention time and again, my Events Page keeps an up-to-date list of shows.
Last, it’s worth mentioning that I updated my art galleries for the first time in a long time, a couple months ago. Lately, with some artistic growth and development as well as a commitment to focusing on some higher quality work again, I’ve decided to revamp and update the entire Art section of (with the exception of the Sketches page–I’m getting to it). There’s a whole bunch of new artwork up–including two new Chadhiyana pieces, and a new section for select commissions I’ve done–so please take a moment to peek at what’s there.
Otherwise, stayed tuned. I’ll have the Chadhiyana update up on and by the end of the month, or you can start getting access today with a Patreon subscription of $1.00 or more a month. Plus more news and updates should be appearing in the following weeks and months, as I still have a few surprises for this year, and some other plans I’m working toward implementing by or before the fall.
So, until next week…Cheers!