Get Your Free Chadhiyana #1!

I realise that the last few comics on this site have been about some shameless self-promotion, so I do apologise for the above. Normally the comic is intended to be about hilarious and ridiculous situations involving monsters (and Gentleman Cthulhu’s seemingly clueless commentary thereof). However, it is worth mentioning that my main project, Chadhiyana, is currently experiencing a great deal of attention right now, including (as the above comic mentions) a promotional giveaway of the first issue.  Read more… ›

Important Upcoming Dates

Just a friendly reminder of some important dates coming up in the next month. First, if you haven’t joined the mailing list yet, there’s still time to do so before the first newsletter goes out (either tomorrow or Thursday, the 30th or the 1st, respectively). It’s (I hope) going to be a great way to keep on top of not only Gentleman Cthulhu, but release dates, developments and other such things related to me and my work (there’s a form to join the mailing list at the bottom of this post). Read more… ›