Gentleman Cthulhu: Year One on IndyPlanet

Just one week after Chadhiyana #5’s publication (Rosarium Publishing through comiXology and Amazon), I’m officially announcing the IndyPlanet release of Gentleman Cthulhu: Year One–a collection of the first year of comics from This is the very same book that sold out before the end of the weekend at this past New York Comic Con. As such, the book will likely be on my table for a long time, but if you can’t make it to a convention I’m exhibiting at or just miss me at one, you now have the option to buy the collection online at!

As with Chadhiyana #0 (which I self-published in 2012), Gentleman Cthulhu: Year One is available in both digital and print formats on IndyPlanet. Though originally my thought was to collect only the first year until a significant collection could be made (that is, enough comics to fill a square-bound trade), I’m planning now to release a collection every year. So, if you really love the web-comic, you’ll have these comics every year to look forward to and collect. Of course, for those who wish to continue to read them online, all of the comics will remain free on the website for your enjoyment. Read more… ›